Ground Hog Day Poker Run raises money for Triple R on the Island

Ground Hog Day in San Pedro was celebrated by a well attended Boat Poker Run organized by Jodie Harnish and the Palapa Bar. Guests arrived at Palapa and were greeted by Jodie and Scott Harnish. Jodie did an amazing job keeping things running smoothly and organized. The boats loaded up and headed to to get their first card in their poker hand. They arrived at PortoFino where fantastic music was playing and service was impeccable! Next stop, Rojo Lounge where they enjoyed complimentary Belizean Rum Punch and the always delicious food at Rojo. Dive Bar was next where Lia and Doug McClain welcomed the guests and as always served delicious food and cocktails to enjoy. (see Lia with RRR ground hog) The Poker Run ended at Palapa Bar where the guests received their 5th and final card and they presented their Poker hands. The winners, Gene Nunn, Robin S. and and Chris M. were the big winners and generously donated their winnings back to the cause!!! A huge thank you! Chi Chi was the perfect choice to sell raffle tickets as she is hard to say no to! As anyone would expect she did an amazing job raising money. Thank you Chi Chi! Michelle Buchanan-Kirkby won the raffle and she also generously donated back her winnings! Thank you Michelle! The island is full of huge hearts that continue to support RRR every day! The fun filled Ground Hog Day celebration was a huge success again! And, by the way, the Ground Hog predicted continuing beautiful spring weather on Ambergris Caye!

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